I have a commitment problem. At the start of a new sewing project I often find myself staring desparingly at a beautiful uncut, unblemished blank canvas piece of fabric and lamenting the fact that I have to pick just one design for it - just one?
At the same time I find that lately, the question of how to get the most out of my fabric and how to get the most wearability out of my garment is something is weighing more and more into my sewing decisions. This project is one that started to change my thinking on how I approach a new sewing challenge. I found 1.7M of this sparkly charcoal weave just before Christmas at the bottom of a remnant bin in the kind of shop where I only pretend to be interested in the full price merchandise and spent many evenings after work draping it around me - is it a dress, a blouse, what can I get out of it, how can I use most of the fabric, will yet another garment fit in my suitcase? (I was about to leave town for the holidays) Eventually I had my Eureka! moment - why commit to one or the other when you can have three!

This is plan gave me the flexibility to use the amount of fabric I had to the best of its potential and took some of the bulk out of my suitcase, a new experience for me when it comes to packing! I wore all three versions through Christmas and New Years and was quietly proud that so little of it ended up in snippets under my sewing table. "Problem" indeed.