Sunday, 1 November 2015

autumn Linden

Well, hello November!  Time to draw the curtains, light some candles and hibernate until April.  While I live for the freedom of summertime, there's a big part of me that equally loves the forced hibernation of late autumn and winter.  For one, it gives me a chance to sit down and focus on my sewing without that pesky sunshine beckoning me outside like a vitamin D public service announcement.

The other reason I love it is that emerging from winter makes the transition to springtime feel all the more glorious and envigorating.  (Remind me I said that come March.)

Anyway, let's get down to business.  Our long sunny autumn has stopped me from posting my second Grainline Linden sweatshirt until now.  This one was as easy and fun to make as the first.  I added a band to the short sleeves and and the hem of version 2, for not reason other than playing as I go.
Have you made more than one Linden?  I have a feeling this isn't my last, and that now I know what my whole family is getting for Christmas...

Happy sewing and happy hibernating x