Thursday, 11 October 2012

and now for something a little bit different...

I'm back in England and busy getting caught up on daytime telly party conferences and the state of the UK economy, before going back to work, and happened to catch two great fashionista moments:
First, a re-airing of the finale of Thelma's Gypsy Girls on Channel 4, which I missed while I was away.  If you don't know the story, Thelma runs a super successful business making fantastically elaborate wedding gowns for the traveller community (never mind glitter, we're talking LED lighting and mechanical butterflies...)  What was amazing in this series was that she took on a group of girls with zero sewing experience, let alone experience in a work environment - some of the girls had not even been taught to tell time - and trained them in dress making, pattern drafting etc.  The idea was to give them skills that they can use to support themselves rather than head straight into marriage, if they choose.  While I missed the drama in between, it was fun to watch the final creations come to life, but my heart sunk a little (a lot) for the girls who weren't chosen.  What an opportunity.
Thelma's Gypsy Girls on Channel 4
 I really admire the fact that the girls wear what they like and I myself could do with a dose of that traveller chutzpah when putting together my own wardrobe!  Go big or go home and everything... And Thelma herself ... amazing lady. Oh to spend a day in her studio covering something with rhinestones and sequins...
And just this morning on ITV's This Morning, the winner of their "Perfect Party Dress" competition was announced.  It was down to three lovely designs and the winning entry (the long red dress) will be in British Department store John Lewis for Christmas.  I love all three, particularly the one on the left.  Fabulous hemline! 
perfect party dress winner
ITV This Morning's Perfect Party Dress Competition
 And speaking of competitions, my entry in the Tessuti Awards Spots & Stripes competition is a finalist!  Thank you to everyone who voted!

   Maybe next year the theme will be sequins and rhinestones.  One can dream... :)

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