Saturday, 31 May 2014

the tide is high but I'm holding on...

Everyone, thank you for bearing with me.  As you might have noticed I've taken an longer than expected break from my blog.  I suppose when sewing is part of your life, there are natural ebbs and flows, but this has been a rather big ebb!

At the end of last year my hubby and I moved into our first new home together, and while we've spent the week-ends since working on making it feel like ours, my poor old Singer hasn't even seen the light of day, and I've missed so much of what's happening out there.  On the plus side, we now have the essentials - seating (yay!), built-in closets (storage, wahoo!).  It's finally starting to feel liveable!  

Naturally, I can't wait to finally cover it in thread and fabric scraps.

In the meantime, the emails and garden party dresses keep coming! I am completely wowed.  Here are a couple for you to admire:

I'm happy to say, I am off to turn some green cotton into a spring dress.  I swear.
Happy Sewing x

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